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MEDHEUS project will be presented at the University of Évora

On February 10, 2023, the MEDHEUS project (Mediterranean Cultural Heritage in EU Policies) will be presented to the public at the University of Évora, starting at 15:00, at Sala dos Docentes (Colégio do Espírito Santo).

The event will aim at the presentation of the project’s objectives, whose main outcome will be the implementation of a course dedicated to the study of European Policies for Cultural Heritage in the Mediterranean Region, to be offered by the University of Évora. The first edition of the course is scheduled to start in March. 

MEDHEUS is coordinated by Sónia Bombico, researcher from CIDEHUS (Interdisciplinary Centre of History, Cultures and Societies), and counts with the participation of teachers and researchers from CICP (Political Science Research Centre – Pole at UÉ) and MED (Mediterranean Institute for Agriculture, Environment and Development), as well as with the partnership of the UNIMED Office at the University of Évora.

With a duration of 36 months, the project is funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus + Jean Monnet Modules programme (project 101085693).

The project has a transdisciplinary team that proposes to approach the strategies and initiatives of the European Union from an interdisciplinary perspective, taking as a starting point the History of the Mediterranean and its cultural heritage.

In addition to the annual course, the project will develop a set of Thematic Workshops that aim to offer knowledge in different areas, including the safeguarding of cultural landscapes, digital innovation in museums, sustainable tourism, smart specialisation strategies, the enhancement of cultural heritage and traditional Mediterranean architecture, and the promotion of the Mediterranean diet. These training workshops have the Mediterranean as their laboratory of analysis and seek to contribute to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in the Euro-Mediterranean region. 

The training offer provided by the project will be open to the public outside the University of Évora.

More information about the event and the project at www.medheus.uevora.pt

The event includes a conference on The Invention of the Mediterranean Heritage given by Cyril Isnart, director of IDEMEC (Institut d’Ethnologie Méditerranéenne, Européenne et Comparative) of the CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université.

Scheduled to start at 16h00, this conference opens a cycle of Keynote Lectures that will feature six guest speakers throughout the project’s development period.


15h00 | Opening Session

15h15 | I want my Mediterranean back!
Filipe Themudo Barata (CIDEHUS – University of Évora)

15h30 | Presentation of the MEDHEUS project
Sónia Bombico (CIDEHUS, MED, Office UNIMED – University of Évora)

16h00 | The Invention of the Mediterranean Heritage
Cyril Isnart (IDEMEC, CNRS – Aix-Marseille Université)

17h00 | Questions